Big Borther’s Watching: Traffic Cameras

May 30th, 2011: Book 3, Chapter I

Today while driving to work, I was in deep thought about modern-day 1984 whether or not Orwell’s prediction and themes could be applied to modern-day. Not to be funny, but I believe this book is honestly being to turn me paranoid. I pulled to a stop light and while coming to a stop I looked up and took notice of a traffic camera. At first I dismissed the camera, knowing they it was placed there to keep watch of traffic, but then the thought began. Was it truly there for traffic? How did i know this information? I learned it from whom? I was terrified for a second and wonder who was watching on the other side off the camera. All of this happened in a mere 5 seconds, then the light turned green and like the thought had ever occurred I pushed in my clutch and moved into first gear. Life went on yet the feeling of fear still remained.

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