Dystopia: Everlasting, Unrelenting Darkness

May 20th, 2011: Book Two, Chapter III

Dystopia has truthfully never been my favorite categories in book selection. Dystopian novels paint a picture of an awful, self-pity world full of nothingness. It’s hard to find the silver lining to the cloud, when a cloud of smog is in the way. When I imagine dystopian novels, my mind usually places my in the setting of the picture above. For 1984 this is exactly how I would imagine the citizens of Oceania living. The condition is poor and unsuitable for life. The city streets are crowded and citizens are piled on top of one another. Dystopian novels are purposely written to be ‘dark’ like the photograph about. Similar to there being no light shinning down upon the city,  there is not hope in its citizens hearts. When I say citizens, it is with light meaning. Truthfully these ‘citizens’ can be considered robots. They are thoughtless, unable to develop and original idea. They only spit out information which their system of government, in the case of 1984: Big Brother tells them to. It is up to Winston to bring light to Oceania and let the truth prevail.

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